
Going into all the world

Dr. P.D. Cherian

For the past 27 years South India Baptist Bible College & Seminary has trained and equipped young men and woman in evangelism and church plant in order to establish churches in India and beyond.As a result, churches have been planted and missionary-evangelists sent out. They also have an Orphanage and day school pre-K through 12th grade.

Art & Debbie Cunningham

The Cunninghams have been in England since 2001. Started a church plant in Darwen, and held their first service in October 2012. Now, the Lord’s leading them to begin studying the Urdu language to open a door to the many Pakistani Muslims in and around the Blackburn area.

Craig & Lauri Hartman

Dr. Craig Hartman has been a part of Bethel since its beginning and is an integral part of our ministry. Brother Craig is also founder and director of Brooklyn-based Shalom Ministries Inc., a sister ministry of Bethel’s. Founded in 1996 and born out of a need to reach the 2 million Jewish people of the New York metropolitan area.

Pastor Dan & Sherry Hyden

In the fall of 1999 God sent the Hydens to the Russian Far East (Blagoveshchensk, Amur Oblast) as church planters. They worked together with another missionary family there for about 18 months, and then began a church in a village named Ivanovka. God marvelously blessed that effort. It attracted the opposition and in March 2003 the government ordered them to leave Russia. In 2004 Pastor Dan joined Bethel and became Pastor to our Russian congregation. We continue to minister to people from the former Soviet Union.

Pastor Tim & Sarah Richmond

The Lord used The Richmond family to plant Grace Baptist Church in the borough of Queens NY. In the neighborhood of forest Hills.  They have thoroughly enjoyed watching the Lord grow Grace Baptist. Prior to this, Tim served as a youth pastor at Bethel Baptist Fellowship in Brooklyn. Sarah and Tim have three daughters Hannah Sophia, Lydia Joy, Charlotte Hope and one son, Asher.

“The Lord placed a burden on my heart for the Nations in NYC many years ago and has continually increased my desire to see His name glorified among the people of New York City”

Matthew & Naomi Shields

The Shields are a third generation missionary family to Mexico and have been serving since 2003. They have started four churches in the state of Zacatecas. They have seven children and are asking the Lord to use them in His work as they are currently serving Him in Aruba.

Manuel & Holly Tago

Church planting, training the nationals, as well as, preaching and soulwinning in the Southern Region in the Philippines.

Ben & Andrea Hamilton 

Ben was initially led to ministry in NYC through a mission trip with Shalom Ministries. After graduating college, he married Andrea and together they moved to Brooklyn to receive hands-on training from Pastor Bickel. In 2018, they started Emmaus Road Baptist Church in the Bronx as missionaries sent out from Bethel Baptist Fellowship. God has blessed the Hamiltons with seven children and a growing congregation of believers!  

Dr. Jack & Jennifer Mitchell

Jack was involved in a full time private dental practice for 12 years when the Lord saved him in 1987. From that time until 1996 the focus of Jack’s dental career changed to a combination of dental care and spiritual ministry in nursing homes. Then, in 1996, the Lord led the Mitchell’s to start Grace Dental Mission (now Grace Dental & Medical Missions), a full time ministry to help church planting missionaries around the world. Since 1996 the Mitchells have conducted well over 100 evangelistic dental clinics in 30 different countries as well as on Indian Reservations in Arizona. In addition, they have provided dental care for several hundred individual missionaries.

Derek & Julie Thomas

After graduating from Missouri State University, Derek was married to Julie Brooks, and entered the business world while serving in a local church.  Derek’s heart was stirred again and in 1995 he and Julie surrendered to the call of missions.   After deputation they moved to Vilnius, Lithuania.  There the Lord allowed them to begin Vilnius Bible Baptist Church and Bible Baptist Institute, a ministry that helped to train lay leaders and pastors in the doctrinal truths of God’s Word.  In July of 2006, Derek sensed the Lord redirecting him and in 2007 the Thomas’ took the leadership as a church plant/re-start at Faith Baptist Church where he pastored for 7 years.  During this time he became involved with a ministry named Slavic Baptist Institute, a ministry located in the Ukraine to train national pastors and workers.  Derek and Julie are scheduled to complete deputation in 2017 and move to Ukraine.

Tom and Anna Johnson

Tom & Anna Johnson (Cambodia) were appointed by BWM in April 1998 and departed for the field in May 2000 with the goal of planting churches throughout the provinces of Cambodia. Dr. Tom has used his medical training (MD) as an outreach to villages holding medical clinics while sharing the Gospel. As a result of his evangelistic efforts, many churches have been planted and turned over to national pastors. Tom and Anna had the joy of adopting four Cambodian children who have all become US Citizens. Serving together as a family through music, teaching and evangelism, God is using them in a mighty way in the country of Cambodia.