Giving to Bethel
Please use the form that appears on this page to setup a one-time or recurring financial gift to Bethel Baptist Fellowship. If you want to designate any part of your gift to something other than General Fund, please use the “Add or change funds” tab. If you want any part of your gift to go to something other than General Fund, Missions Fund, or Building Fund, please choose “Other” for that portion of your gift, and then please use the Comment box that is located after the payment information fields and indicate how you would like that portion of your gift allocated. The other fund choices which are in the Russian language are only for use in giving to the Russian church. Thank you.
Of course, if you would like to give the old fashioned way, please send a check made payable to Bethel Baptist Fellowship to our mailing address which is 1204 Avenue U, Box 1323, Brooklyn, NY 11229.